
Juan Cerda III, B.Sc.

I joined the Wythe lab in the fall of 2020 shortly after receiving my Bachelor of Science in Biology from Houston Baptist University. As an undergraduate there, I was able to work on a number of research projects that included organisms like Rhizobium plants, planaria, and zebrafish. I studied a variety of concepts from ecology to microbiology to molecular biology.

I interned at MD Anderson Cancer Center during the summer of 2019 through the CPRIT-CURE program. Under the Sean M. Post lab, I worked on an oncogenic RNA-binding protein that drives certain hematologic malignancies when dysregulated. My project assessed possible drug candidates that disrupt protein/RNA interactions as therapeutic intervention for patients.

I am interested in many things but passionate about cancer and cardiovascular research. Here in the Wythe lab, I hope to gain as much research experience as I can and look forward to working with mice and zebrafish animal models to answer fundamental biology questions that can be used in translational research.

Juan’s Pubs:


Juan has been accepted to the Cancer and Cell Biology Graduate Program at Baylor College of Medicine for the 2022-2023 school year!